Which image represents the word "ordinateur"?
Which article corresponds to the word "table" in French?
How do you say "I understand" in French?
The woman in the audio...
How do you say "He doesn't speak French"?
Which is the correct English translation of this phase: "Tu viens d’où ?"
How do you say "I'm 30 years old"?
"En espèces s'il vous plaît" is used:
Complete the sentence: "Il ... au restaurant hier soir."
Complete the sentence by translating the verb "to go out": Est-ce que tu veux ... ce soir ?
How do you say "I drink coffee"?
Translate "annuler un rendez-vous"
Which response is a suitable answer to this question: "Qu’est-ce que vous faites dans la vie ?"
Translate "to rent a flat"
Translate "I get along well with her"
How do you say "I rested/ I had a rest"?
Translate "she left an hour ago"
"I have a backache" in French
Which response is a suitable answer to this question: "Il mange du chocolat ?"
Translate: "Do you have free parking?"
Complete the sentence by translating "I can’t open the door / I can't manage to open the door"
"I'm talking to her" in French
How do you say "I would like to collect a parcel/package"?
"J'ai bossé toute la journée hier." Which of these words has a similar meaning to the word "bosser" ?
Which of these words is an informal way of saying "to struggle, to have a hard time"?
Complete this sentence with the correct verb form: Il faut que ... avant six heures.
Complete this sentence by translating "I reported a theft (to the police) / I filed a complaint for theft": J’ai ... pour vol